So it's been 2 weeks since I signed up to the Wales Half-Marathon.
How have I been getting on?
I haven't yet got a formal training plan. Tut tut Laura. However it's on my to-do list to pull one together to focus my training efforts - watch this space next week!
Saying that, I haven't done badly I don't think - I'm pushing to walk more, and run almost every evening once I get in. I am struggling to find motivation after working 8.30am - 5.30pm (sometimes 8am, sometimes 6/6.30pm) so the evening runs definitely feel more like a punishment right now.
I'm pushing to do more than in previous months, with the aim to steadily increase distance so as to not hurt myself. I've also restarted playing squash once or twice a week during my lunch, so that breaks the monotony of treadmill running.
Sunday Runday
So today was my 'long run day' - ha. Yeah. See below...
Not so much a 'long run', more like a 'nice attempt you slob'. However I did feel like I was starting to get into my stride at the 2.5 / 3 mile mark - maybe the Laura-of-old is still in there somewhere? As I'd set my goal as 3 miles today, I decided not to push too hard just yet, next week I'll aim for 4 (or more?).
I really do need to find some good dynamic stretches to do before I run... I really struggled around the 2 mile mark with tight calves, hence the little detour on the loop to find a bench to stretch out. If anyone reading has any suggestions - message me!
All that being said, I'm not too worried about my pace - I mean, my old 10-min-mile pace would be amazing - but I'm realistic. I'm no longer that mid-teen, sport/gym-mad person!
What have I learned so far?
I am the Goldilocks of running... Not too hot, not too cold, not too sunny, not too rainy/snowy/hailing, the list goes on.
I prefer running when I can go just because I want to, not because I have to.
I highly dislike treadmills.
I also highly dislike getting home at 6.30pm, after a long day in work, and having to make myself go to the gym and run on the 'dreadmill'.
My new Nike running-jacket is a god-send and in fact, does its job a little too well (read: tomato-faced runner in the pouring rain).
What's next?
As I've discovered my dislike for running late in the evening, on the days where I know I won't escape work on time, I will try and fit a short run in at lunch-time. This is definitely doable, and I'll balance that with the lunchtimes I spend playing squash.
I need need need to make a training plan - Sunday will be my main 'long-run' day as my event is on a Sunday (good to get your body into the right rhythm), but I need to plan the weekdays!
Until next time - adios mis amigos - plus donate if you're feeling generous - :)